Wait for the Lord! Be strong and LET your heart take courage.

My life, as God lives in me. To Him be the Glory and honor forever, Amen.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hi there. I just spent the last few days at my parent's house, and it was good. I have missed spending time with them. My mom and Iwere up talking and got to pray together. It was maybe the first time in our whole lives to pray together. God was moving.
I have started to teach myself Chinese as an alternative to paying for a graduate program, and I love it. My roommate just came home from visiting her family, and brought back workbooks on how to practice Chinese characters. I checked out CD's from the library... things are looking good. :D
Work is going alright. One of my really good friends has turned in her two weeks notice, so it keeps getting more and more difficult. The good news is, that one of the new employees is really great. She seems like someone who I will be great friends with in the future, not to mention, she loves languages herself and speaks 3 fluently and understands one more. Fun, huh!
Sunday, God gave me the idea to invite the church to lunch at the Rice Pad (what we call the house we live in) for a picnic. There were about 15 people who dropped by, and I was blessed by all 15. The house seems kind of lonely without my roomies. 3 of them are in Kenya on a mission trip, and 1 just came back from Austin. I am so glad she is back! A friend of ours is also staying with us this week to help with the cat, and to help with the company. Praise God for Debi!!! I think that's all for now. Catch you soon.


  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger david said…

    Sweet blog, sister! Keep it up! I put a link on my own blog. Hope that is cool...


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