Wait for the Lord! Be strong and LET your heart take courage.

My life, as God lives in me. To Him be the Glory and honor forever, Amen.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hello everyone!

Just to give you an update, Friday was St. Patrick's Day, and of course I get very excited being just a little Irish myself. At work, I made everyone put on green stickers who weren't wearing any green. It was fun! We got to be a little festive with the uniform as well. :D I didn't go crazy this year like I usually do, but oh well. We had fun.

This spring break has been so busy compared to most of the others I can remember. The strange part about it, is that I'm not in school this time around. It is interesting to me to be more busy out of school than when I was in school. Again, we have had a lot of fun in the home group, getting together, making a lot of food from different countries, playing games, and the like. Thursday they went to Mission Arlington, and I was sad that I had to miss it. Everyone is on Spring Break, but I work like usual, and the time frame that is usually perfect for ministry and hanging with students, wasn't quite as cool as having no work at all. Go figure, huh. :D

I miss my fellow brothers and sisters who are in Kenya so badly!!! This includes 3 out of 5 of my roommates!!! Some days, granted, I don't see but 1 during any given day. But it is different knowing that you will not see any of them for 10 whole days. They have been deeply missed, but I will be excited about their return TOMORROW!!!! :D Praise the Lord!

You may or may not know that I have worked at Starbucks since September of 2002. That's a long time to be working an after school job, but it is a great job. Recently, God has really given me boldness about the gospel, and I feel like there have been so many people who have blessed my life because of it. Keeping our mouths shut keeps us from knowing who our brothers and sisters are, as well as who is lost. To be honest, I feel guilty to have been so quiet for 3 1/2 years. But I guess late is definitely better than never. One of the kids of a regular customer who has come in for a long time was visiting on Spring Break from A&M and started speaking Chinese to me. I was so blessed by such a small thing, but little things like that are the encouragement that I need to get me through days sometimes. It's amazing how well I have gotten to know my customers, and how well they have gotten to know me. I have never been good at not wearing my state of emotion on my face, but now, it's like they can all read it now. It feels a little vunerable at times, but still a blessing.

We are right smack dab in the middle of so many changes at work. Our manager left, and 4 other partners have proceeded to leave as well. 2 of which have been with the company since we opened in September of 2002, and another is leaving next week. She is a personal dear friend of mine, and helps me a lot at work, and will be missed tremendously. :( Even though there have been so many changes, and I have been tempted to leave myself, having been looking for jobs since I graduated just cause I do have a degree now. I am still applying to places, but I am commiting to sticking with Starbucks until at least through the middle of the summer. I want to see us some what normal again, instead of more and more new people. I want to see our new manager succeed, and leaving will not help that any. It is getting harder and harder, but God is good, and he keeps blessing me and blessing me. Please pray that God will give me perserverence to stick with it. I'm starting to get a reputation for being a slave driver with all the new employees needing to be trained and trained well, I have just found out. Oh well, I think they are joking, at least a little bit, I hope. : /

That's all for now. Talk to you later. :D


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