Wait for the Lord! Be strong and LET your heart take courage.

My life, as God lives in me. To Him be the Glory and honor forever, Amen.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Encouragement in the most unlikely circumstances.

I have been having a pretty rough couple of weeks spiritually, and not consequentally, at work, too. It is just hard to come to work, work your tail off, and know that you will have to do that for a while, every day you come in, just to get everything done. It has really started to wear on me, and the optimistic attitude I started with is quickly diminishing. I was praying on my way to work, but I have been forgetting lately.

So this week, Tuesday to be exact, I we just plain fed up and in a horribly grumpy mood. One of our new employees and fellow believer called me out on it, and it was encouraging to me that he would say something about it. I was in a horrible mood, and was doing nothing but bringing everyone else down, and he showed me my sin. I was encouraged by the courage it took to say that, being so new, and was reminded of the bond we have under Christ, and the grace that we have been given to give each other.

Also, I led worship tonight with Hollie's help. It seems like I can play fine until it is time to get in front of people, and then my hands just turn into clubs. Or maybe I just never notice until I am infront of people. hmmm... Anyway, for some reason, it doesn't seem to effect worship. Crazy, but it is such an encouragement and great reminder, that God is in control and He will be worshipped dispite my inadequacies. I am always humbled to be leading worship, because it shows all my bumps and bruises, but that is exactly where God wants me, humbled before him.

It is nice to come home to 4 women of God who love God and love you for who you are. Praise the Lord for godly roommates. They are such a blessing!

So far, I am still working out a study schedule for the Chinese, but I think things have been going pretty well, though, considering I am teaching myself. I enjoy going at my own pace. Once I get a system, I think it will be more organized, but it takes a while for me to figure it out, usually till the end of the semester, so it's nice to have the same teacher next semester. That way I don't have to re-work everything agian. hehehe. I know, I am way corny. It's a part of me, and I have learned to embrace it. :P

That's all for now. May your day be blessed.


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