Well, I think the camping trip turned out quite alright. Nothing too exciting, but I think everyone had at least a little bit of fun. It was so great to just hang with my friends in the homegroup, and not have much to do but talk with each other and be with one another. I was excited to learn a bit on the guit-fiddle from Cervenka, thanks homie. My parents were blessed by us coming up, and welcomed us back. My dad even said that he would play his guitar with us next time we come up. This is major in the land of my dad. Praise God that he feels comfortable around my homegroup!!!
As far as the job hunt goes, I have to admit to being a little lazy. I have been given some fairly solid leads into Starbucks corporate, but nothing is for sure until I actually get to speak with someone about it. Some exciting opportunities await their, should I be able to be in a place to take them. I am praying pretty hard about it.
I was reading in 1 Peter 2 about how we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, and holy nation for God's own possession to proclaim the excellencies of Him who has brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light, for we are were not a people, but now we are the people of God, for we had not received mercy, but now have received mercy. This was pretty convicting and encouraging in relation to my current job. I am set apart for His glory and wonder if he is really glorified by my actions and choice of words at work. If people would see my actions and declare praise and glory to God. I'm not sure. It is so hard, but I am working on making every morning, every shift, every hour intentionally glorifying to the Lord, and it is quite different from my previous actions. I praise God because he is gracious and merciful to me. His grace is enough for me and I am covered in His blood. He forgives me and continues to love me. It's so humbling to know that.
I was watching a little bit of the Chronicles of Narnia recently, and the picture of Aslon being summoned to the stone alter to be sacrificed flooded my mind. How the people all around were so hateful to a righteous and innocent creature being lead to the slaughter. How they cheered at his fate and insulted his perfection. What kind of humility it must have been for Christ to take the same kind of ridicule and insults on the way and on the cross, knowing that even if it was just me who had been a 'traitor' he would have still endured it. I feel so a ashamed for being so prideful and guarded in my love for others. He loved with an everlasting and unfailing love, knowing that those very people would betray Him, and hurl insults at him. How horrible that must have felt, but that didn't keep him from loving as He did. It makes me feel silly for picking who I will love because of the risk of being hurt. Silly for not wanting to endanger myself by being vulnerable for the sake of the Gospel. Conviction hit pretty hard this morning.
His love endures forever. He's my strength and He's my song. His love endures forever.
As far as the job hunt goes, I have to admit to being a little lazy. I have been given some fairly solid leads into Starbucks corporate, but nothing is for sure until I actually get to speak with someone about it. Some exciting opportunities await their, should I be able to be in a place to take them. I am praying pretty hard about it.
I was reading in 1 Peter 2 about how we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, and holy nation for God's own possession to proclaim the excellencies of Him who has brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light, for we are were not a people, but now we are the people of God, for we had not received mercy, but now have received mercy. This was pretty convicting and encouraging in relation to my current job. I am set apart for His glory and wonder if he is really glorified by my actions and choice of words at work. If people would see my actions and declare praise and glory to God. I'm not sure. It is so hard, but I am working on making every morning, every shift, every hour intentionally glorifying to the Lord, and it is quite different from my previous actions. I praise God because he is gracious and merciful to me. His grace is enough for me and I am covered in His blood. He forgives me and continues to love me. It's so humbling to know that.
I was watching a little bit of the Chronicles of Narnia recently, and the picture of Aslon being summoned to the stone alter to be sacrificed flooded my mind. How the people all around were so hateful to a righteous and innocent creature being lead to the slaughter. How they cheered at his fate and insulted his perfection. What kind of humility it must have been for Christ to take the same kind of ridicule and insults on the way and on the cross, knowing that even if it was just me who had been a 'traitor' he would have still endured it. I feel so a ashamed for being so prideful and guarded in my love for others. He loved with an everlasting and unfailing love, knowing that those very people would betray Him, and hurl insults at him. How horrible that must have felt, but that didn't keep him from loving as He did. It makes me feel silly for picking who I will love because of the risk of being hurt. Silly for not wanting to endanger myself by being vulnerable for the sake of the Gospel. Conviction hit pretty hard this morning.
His love endures forever. He's my strength and He's my song. His love endures forever.