Wait for the Lord! Be strong and LET your heart take courage.

My life, as God lives in me. To Him be the Glory and honor forever, Amen.

Monday, April 10, 2006

It's been a while, I know. It has been difficult to know what to write these days.

I have been wanting to support my friends who are going to Japan on a mission trip at the end of May, but seeing as how I don't have so much money coming in, I can't just write a check. God gave me the idea to have a garage sale. For a garage sale, you need stuff to sell, right. This saturday, Debi and I handed out flyers in a neiborhood that was having a 300 family garage sale asking for the stuff they couldn't sell. I was so encouraged by the way she responded when I asked her for her help. She said, "Whatever you need help with, I will help you." I was so encouraged to be receiving that response. That felt so good to know, whatever I needed, she would be there for me. I have been blessed tremendously by Debi's loyalty. We ended up having exactly the amount of cars that we needed, thanks to Debi, Rael, Rebecca, Hollie, and Manuel to pick up the stuff left. Our front living room is half stuffed with stuff from picking it all up. It was amazing. Several people at the church have said that they have things to donate, as well. This experience has been really encouraging to me so far.

When I was dropping of some of the stuff that was in my car from picking up things, and got the opportunity to talk to Melissa, my sister. She was at my parent's house this weekend taking care of my grandma this weekend while Luke was at drill. It just made me smile to see her heart. She is such a passionate woman for the Lord. She doesn't do anything half way. When she steps, she jumps. I don't have quite that zeel for everything in my life, but it was refreshing to see how passionately she cares for other people and desires change to bring people to Christ. I had to stop and think to myself if I should be more like that, but realized that I play a different part. She is a visionary, and i am a problem solver. She comes up with these gigantic ideas, and i realize them through working out the details. It is how our personalities have always worked together.
God has been showing me a lot about who he is and how he works in the body through her and my homegroup. I am constantly amazed at how many paralles or examples if his living Word he gives us in our daily interactions with others and situations. He really wants us to relate and know Him through His people. He is in everyone, and he is so great, that he can be all parts that are in the body, but because we are human, and have a flesh, the body on earth is made of parts to function in the whole of God, where Christ is the head.
By the way, praise God for the spine and bones that support and give form to the structure. They may not always be on the outside, to be seen, but they are in the hand as it extends. Without support, the body collapses. Praise God that he is our strength and support in every part of the body.

Please pray that I get a new job soon. I feel that this job is really not where I need to be. It is causing me to stumble in my walk with God. Just thinking about it, I am discouraged. I think I am looking for something in HR, with big kids. Only the living God knows what he has in store for me though. Thank you!


  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger hollie* said…

    awesome, girlie. I loved being able to spend so much time with you this weekend. you really are a special sister to me. i love sharing life with you!! *hugs*

  • At 7:13 AM, Blogger Tylers.Net said…

    when is the garage sale going to be? I'd love to put it in the church bulletin the week before! Thanks Lindsey!! It's always an encouragement reading your blog! Christi


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